St Malo to Nice: The recovery ride

How did I get here? A year ago I was in a job I loved and in excellent form in terms of my fitness. I was preparing to tackle the annual Chase The Sun ride - 350km (220 miles) starting from Kent’s east coast and ending in Somerset’s west coast. I would end up completing that ride and in a little over 12 hours 40 minutes at an average speed of 27.4kph. 

In the months that followed my fitness took a dip as one planned ride after another was cancelled for various reasons. Covid being a key contributor, but the sudden and shocking diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes for our beautiful 5 year old daughter was somewhat of a game changer. 

And the job? Well, put simply it was a time to forget. My Annus Horribilus which ended up in redundancy after a fairly awful 12 months.

On the bright side, I found myself with 5 long weeks to fill before my new job starts. My amazing wife suggested, no instructed, that I should go away for a while on my bike and clear my head of the unpleasantness of the past year. 

I didn’t need asking twice!

I’d read about Saddle Skedaddle’s St Malo to Nice epic and an idea was born. What an opportunity to get some much needed fitness back into my legs, whilst cleansing the soul. Theoretically the weather should improve day by day as I edge my way ever closer to the Mediterranean.

Being Type 1 diabetic myself will present its own challenges - a good portion of my available pannier space will need to be given over to storing insulin, tablets, needles (56 of the damn things!) as well as a blood glucose sensor and testing kits. Managing my blood sugar levels will also require some effort, particularly since I will be travelling solo although having embarked on other cycling adventures in the past I do at know what to expect. 

I leave in 2 days. The bike is ready, although perhaps less so the rider. 


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