
Showing posts from June, 2022

Day 14 - Paris procession and Caen canals

 I had a great evening in Nice. Once I’d got my bike to my room that is. I had checked in advance whether I could store the bike safely, and was told I could keep it in my room. The problem was that the room was on the 5th floor… The receptionist suggested that I put the bike in the lift and send the lift up to the 5th floor. Not a bad idea. Until the bike jammed the inner door of the lift, rendering the lift useless and my bike stuck inside it. Eventually the lift doors reset and I was able to retrieve the bike, carrying its colossal weight up 5 flights of stairs. Searching out a square to sit, contemplate and people watch I made my way to the impressive Notre Dame cathedral: one final doff of my cap to French churches.  After a few beers in a bar, I wandered off to find food. I didn’t wander far, stopping at a busy looking Lebanese restaurant. That’ll do nicely.  I ordered the 11 mezze menu and a bottle of red. They warned me that would be “a lot of food”. Excellent, I said. Explaini

Day 13 - fantastic finale

 The hardest part of yesterday evening was finding a camping pitch which was a) flat and b) in the shade. The temperature was still high in the 20’s even at the lofty height of almost 900m above sea level.  I took a short walk around the village of Aiguines just to get my bearings and to see a big more of rural France but I was keen to get back to the campsite restaurant and the terrace with the incredible view over the lake and miles of countryside beyond.  The sunset was incredible. Mt Ventoux clearly visible to the left of the setting sun. What was equally incredible was my newly invented “view from a toilet window” competition. Which I win. I woke up excited and hesitant about the final stage in equal measure. My route was to take me the full 25km up (well, along but basically up) the Gorge du Verdon. The Gorge itself is the second in size in the world, surpassed only by the Grand Canyon. Impressive indeed. I would also be descending 800m more overall than I was due to climb overal

Day 12 - elevated extension

The wind was still blowing through Sault as I left the restaurant last night (risotto and apple tart: lovely). I had a wander through the town as I meandered my way back to my hotel (no campsites in / around the town so hotel only realistic option). The 12th century Church of Notre Dame was open so I had a wander around. The church remains on n excellent condition, with half a dozen huge stained glass still very much intact. I lit a candle in memory of my Mum as well as a good friend both of whom we lost too early and both of whom would be wholly supportive of my endeavours. I enjoyed the peace for a few moments before continuing my stroll through the picturesque town. The town itself was very quiet; likely that the winds had kept people inside. Some restaurants and bars remained open but all customers were inside seeking shelter from the wind. A very different experience to my last few evenings. Finally, I went in search of a view of Mt Ventoux, it’s’ skyline and unmistakable weather