Day 2: Ardeche Ascents

 I’ve officially learnt French camping! 

Successfully ordered morning pastries last night, ashed down with a coffee. Lovely

Last nights rain was long gone and with a warm looking blue sky I headed off for a quick loop up the Doux valley to St Felicion and back. It was glorious.

The road climbed from the start, up numerous switchbacks and into remote countryside with wonderful views of the Doux valley and also more far reaching across the cloud covered Rhone valley. 

After 24km of mostly steady climbing, I rounded the small village of St Felicion and headed back down the valley. The tarmac was fresh and smooth (Le Tour is obviously coming), and the 24km back down were easily despatched. 

Back at the campsite I sat on the sunny terrace with a coffee, had a shower and packed the car ready for the final 200km to Ventoux. 

The inevitable messages started coming in warning of French air traffic control strikes jeopardising the inbound flight of my travelling companions. I crossed my fingers, got in the car and headed south. 

With time on my side I opted for the non-motorway option, which I nearly abandoned within 10km. But I’m glad I stuck with it. Leaving Valence the road got quiet. And hilly. Two ingredients which I enjoy very much. 

65km from home I got my first glimpse of Ventoux.

The route then took me through 2 of the start villages, Malaucene and Bedoin. Which were full of bl**** cyclists.. 

A final few km past lavender fields and vineyards and I finally arrived at our villa. 

It’s huge. Since I arrived first I took first choice of rooms. I chose the one with the bath, sauna and terrace, with a view of the pool. Not joking. 

The rest of the crew turned up 90 minutes later, we quaffed some chilli and enjoyed some wine & beer late into the evening. 

Alice, this is for you. X


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