Day 6: homeward histerics

 It should have been straightforward. Just climb onto the sleeper at Fort William, rest until Edinburgh, play silly beggars with the bike for an hour, back to bed and get up at Euston at 8am.

Yeah. Never quite that simple though is it. The train, it would appear, was incapable of providing power to the carriages and therefore health and safety say no. And so the train home was cancelled, just like that. 

There then followed some excitement as 50 odd passengers confronted 2 reasonably incompetent staff, trying to work out what happened next.

Nothing happened next, for an hour. Eventually the decision was made that passengers would be transported to Edinburgh in taxis, insodoing would catch the train up and we’d get on the sleeper at Edinburgh. Why the coaches would have power at Edinburgh when they didn’t at Fort William was not quite explained but I’m sure it makes perfect sense…

So, I took my bike apart. That is to say both wheels and 6 bags were squeezed into the back of a taxi as we headed south. 

Once at Edinburgh, I then had to rebuild the bike and put the bags back on. All of this at 1am in the middle of Edinburgh on a Friday night. Yeah, that went really well. 

To cut a long story short, I boarded the train and fell asleep; waking up at Camden as we approached Euston. 

There then followed a dart across town to Paddington and then the train home. But then the reward for all my efforts. I met Alice with 4 miles to go and she helped me home. After all my adventures, it was the most wonderful 4 miles of the trip. 


Now that’s Slay. 


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